Awards Committee
SRCD Black Caucus awards will honor Caucus members' contributions to the field at all career stages, increase visibility of our Caucus, and showcase our members. The awards committee will create up to five awards, determine a feasible awards cycle, and develop a plan for soliciting and reviewing nominations. The committee will also develop strategies for ensuring the sustainability of funding monetary awards over time.
Social Media Committee
The Social Media Committee of the SRCD Black Caucus serves to expand the digital experience and presence of the Black Caucus! Committee members will be involved in managing Caucus social media accounts, gathering content helpful for Caucus members (e.g., job announcements, member publications and awards, outside content related to the mission of the Caucus), and posting about Caucus events (before, possibly during, and after). The committee will also help to promote the Caucus’ website and fundraising efforts.
Website Committee
The Website Committee maintains the Black Caucus’ website so that it is current, relevant and a professional resource for members of the caucus and informative to visitors. The committee will review and monitor content on the website, identify areas that need updating or that should be revised, find website content as needed including helpful links, research opportunities, or important articles that will add to the effective online presence of the Black Caucus.
Social Policy Committee
The Social Policy Committee is a new committee within the SRCD Black Caucus. It will help the Steering Committee identify issues in our public discourse that are relevant to Black children. In identifying the issues, it will assist the Steering Committee with preparing statements about relevant research impacting Black children. It will help the Steering Committee identify members who may have policy-relevant expertise that can help prepare 2-page policy briefs for a new trial policy journal being piloted by the SRCD. There are also plans to identify strategies for communicating relevant scientific information to the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus. Under the mission of the SRCD, the Caucus cannot engage in general advocacy for specific issues. The Caucus can identify and summarize research that is relevant to policy and advocate for issue related to science policy specifically. This new Committee will assist in those efforts.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee keeps the membership lists updated and also is involved with any membership topics (e.g., job advertisements, webinars). This committee interfaces with the SRCD main membership administration and will provide members with upcoming events.